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Honoring Page

A page to honor currently cryopreserved/frozen embryonic children

+ to memorialize embryonic children who have passed at any stage of IVF

To my Unborn Children:

"We’ve never had a chance to meet, but I am your Mom.

You don’t know that I exist, even though I wanted you and hoped for you.

Love did not create you, science did. 

I thought that would not make a difference, but now I know it did. 

I don’t know if you suffered or if you have a scar.  

You never got to feel my love because I was so far. 

Slowly, the thought of what I’d done to you began to break my heart.

When I realized what you were to me, we could not stay apart. 

I tried, too late, to save you my dears, yet your lives ended too soon.

You are now in heaven, with a God who loves perfectly,

And you have parents here on earth who know they are forgiven.

I don’t know what you look like, you don’t know how I sound,

But I have faith that when we meet, I’ll know that you are mine.

You are unique and wonderful, made for such a time as this.  

Your true worth and value will be shared in a way that just can’t be missed. 


I love you way, way more than you know, 



Katie M's Children.png

 Example Honoring: Zechariah B.

We named Zechariah after the husband of Elizabeth in the Bible who couldn't believe he was going to be a father. We couldn't believe we finally got pregnant either. Though we regret aspects of how we got to the point we are now, we will never regret Zechariah's short life and the joy we shared with him.


Memorialization submitted by K on March 21st, 2023

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